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Infantile and mature personalities (part 1)

An infantile personality from psychology point of view is an immature personality, incapable of making independent decisions with a high degree of dependence on friends, relatives, bosses and colleagues.
An infantile personality from psychology point of view is an immature personality, incapable of making independent decisions with a high degree of dependence on friends, relatives, bosses and colleagues.

The principle of serving position in the hierarchy and authority among superiors (bosses, owners, state officials, police, priests) has prevailed since the dawn of mankind. The state system and, in fact, the entire modern human society is built on this principle. А person gives up part of his personal freedom, gives up the opportunity to make decisions about his life, his well-being, his future to certain individuals. There is nothing terrible or bad in this, our society is highly organized, including due to the strict hierarchy in it (and also due to the predominance of exchange and money relations).

Today, many people in Russia positively remember the Soviet Union precisely for the stability and relative calmness in life. After all, think, the role of the Soviet government boiled down to the fact that from the very beginning of your life it taught you (all education in the country was free), arranged for you to rest in pioneer camps, determined your place of work, provided you with housing, medical services, vacation vouchers and pensions. By the way, pensions in today's prices were almost twice as high as current ones in Russia. A person did not have to think and care about a huge number of things and problems. From psychological point of view, the Government to some extent substituted the roles of father and mother, Soviet bosses decided which apartment a person should live in, where to go to rest, etc. The man was forced to serve and deserve his place before people who, first of all, knew how to serve and deserve in the same way. Think, within the framework of the need to curry favor and adapt, has something changed globally in our time? And where does our society go from this point of view?

If you think that the times of the Soviet Union in the manner in which I describe have passed, then this is certainly not the case. Today, exactly the same situation persists among civil servants, among officials (especially middle and higher officials), church there is the same provision of housing, their own medicine, vacation vouchers, and an increased pension. Or take, for example, the Army or the Russian Orthodox Church. Coming there, a young man is deprived of most of the freedom available to an ordinary citizen, he is provided with everything he needs in exchange for unquestioning obedience and strict fulfillment of all his duties.

In the next articles we will look at the social dynamics in organizations, we will understand in more detail the triadic personality type, what is the true inner and mental maturity and what it is like to be an entrepreneur. At the moment, I only urge you to think about whether your life meets your request, are you free to express your feelings, desires, to realize your true goals and objectives? Do you accept and are you responsible for yourself and people around?

I continue to publish articles on personal growth and business development, and also continue to do business consulting and coaching. If you are interested in articles on this topic, then subscribe to my Telegram channel: If you have a need for business consulting support, then I am waiting for you on my website: