When I was 17, I really didn't know what I wanted to do in life. Then I was actively interested in psychology, biology, literature and history. But the development in this area, as it seemed to me, would not ensure a decent and stable future. I also always dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur, creating a mega cool, highly profitable project. Then my parents offered to enter the Moscow Banking Institute, the founder and sponsor of which was then SberBank. Job security at Sberbank was also conditionally guaranteed at that time.
As a result, having received a higher banking education at the age of 22 and working from the age of 19 now I am 35 years old, I changed 9 permanent employers (for some I worked in parallel), participated in 7 large part-time projects. However, I did not find happiness, full-fledged prosperity, inner satisfaction and the realization of ambitions in a hired job. I had 4 businesses at different times, I was in the sports nutrition and bodybuilding apparel, I was involved in LED lighting, and I received government subsidies to support small and medium-sized businesses. I sold my last confectionery business last year. All those were active, working projects, with employees and sales, which, however, did not meet my hopes and ambitions.
Why did I decide to get higher education and continue to work in the banking sector? The reason for this was very simple, in the early 2000s it was very prestigious and profitable to be a banker. Universities piled up economists and lawyers, as it seemed then the most optimal job for undecided young people. But someone would have thought that after some 15 years working as a taxi driver would be almost more profitable than a middle banker. That the salary of the secretary will be compared with the salary of the bank's operational employee.
As a result of such a "universal" (just joking) injustice, in addition to banking education, I received a second degree in England in international accounting, received qualifications as an international auditor and an international internal auditor, retrained as a Data Science specialist, I have over 40 different trainings and seminars behind me for a period from 1 day to 1 week. However, I cannot say that I have found myself, that I have realized. I have a huge, difficult and ambitious path ahead of me in the implementation of my projects. However, I consider my main achievement to be the opportunity not to work on a permanent job, the opportunity to conduct my periodic consulting projects, the freedom to develop, study, create and develop my own business startups. I am ready for change, I applaud the beautiful new world, I will do my best to fully realize my ambitions and potential in the foreseeable future. Therefore, I sincerely wish everyone who read this article never to lose heart and not give up. We will definitely succeed, only the powerful of this world move the development of mankind forward.
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