One of the main risks of global digitalization may be that the imbalance between rich and poor people will grow even more. This, in turn, can cause social protests and resentments of a wide range of people. So according to the forecast of McKinsey, by 2030 about 400 million people on the planet, or 14% of the workforce, have lost their jobs due to the fact that their functions are performed by programs and robots. 77% of employees will be forced to acquire new skills or retrain in the near future due to robotization.
I conclude my description of my paradigm with a final statement. Namely, you need to be independent, have different sources of income. You should never rely only on hired work. We often overestimate the opportunity to find a job, especially while we are working and we are happy with everything. But as soon as the wind of change blows and we are looking for a new employer, it is not always possible to find it so easily, especially while maintaining the desired level of income, status and prosperity. The illusion that someone needs us in a professional long-term is the most dangerous illusion and an unjustifiably high risk.
I am really sure that, if only about qualifications, experience and skills, then, in fact, no one needs us. In fact, the employer considers Us as a kind of mechanism that he needs to let the system work, but as soon as we are outdated (morally / physically), has ceased to fit by some criteria, then you can get rid of Us without a twinge of conscience. All these songs about loyalty, team cohesion from CEOs and business owners have become so boring to me over the years that I personally stopped believing in this.
In my assessment, the possibility for a senior executive to find a hired job in our country is highly exaggerated. All money and lured places as a rule diverge either through close acquaintances or through family ties. Here we will not separately consider soft and manipulation skills in office interactions, which can help you in promoting and maintaining your career achievements.
Therefore, if you are not a high-class representative of the IT or Digital sector, then the situation with finding a decent job can be deplorable. By the way, according to Alena Vladimirskaya, a “normal” digital marketer is now asking for 250,000 to 500,000 rub., a programmer - from 400,000 to 500,000 rub.
Working among middle and junior personnel, except for low wages, is characterized by a high degree of dependence, it is necessary to adapt to the interests and bend under employer, under bosses, under clients. As a rule, income restrictions do not allow you to escape from the rat race, as a result, people get stressful disorders, depression and suffer from professional burnout.
I'm not even saying that after 50 years we in most areas a priori become absolutely unnecessary and undesired. At the age of 65, in our country, we turn into poor people living on the brink of poverty, who cannot afford practically anything extra. Everyone now, probably, thought that this would certainly not happen to me because children, friends, relatives, savings, investments will always help me.
For myself, I determined that, ideally, have a couple of independent businesses, or at least remain a self-employed consultant, receive investment income from real estate and securities, carry out educational activities, incl. coaching and writing business.
Hope you enjoyed the article. Unfortunately, due to the large capacity of this topic, it is impossible to fit into one post. I plan to close the story in the next post, where we will talk a little more about rules, beliefs and goals, and also summarize the results.
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