1) “delivery is delayed” is a fact;
2) “I am annoyed” - emotion;
3) "stupid suppliers" - assessment.
To improve the effectiveness of communications, it is necessary to separate these concepts for two reasons:
1. Professionals are able to manage emotions and are extremely careful in emotional assessments; they prefer to act on facts. Very often, in order to obtain enough facts, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study or analysis of the problem and task.
2. People usually make decisions in one form or another under the influence of emotions and assessments - their own and others. This is directly reflected in the data you receive (for example, an increase or decrease in the number of orders). At the same time, it is very important to understand that the more calmly you react to reality, the more objective your assessment may turn out to be.
«A fact» is an objective reality event. By looking at the order form, you can be sure that the suppliers really delayed its delivery.
«Emotion» is a subjective response. Similar events (including a thought) can cause different emotions: one employee will feel resentment and irritation from not receiving the order on time, and he will run to complain to the boss, another will want to understand the situation thoroughly and avoid delays in the future, the third will need to share with a friend about a life challenge.
«Assessment» is a personal position, an emotionally colored opinion about a fact (event, object, person). This is not an "expert assessment", not a statement. Evaluation-position has nothing to do with facts. The event itself has no "smartness", the suppliers cannot be "stupid", otherwise the business activity as such would stop. This is a certain set of circumstances in which a certain failure occurred.
What conclusions can we draw: before formulating our thoughts, calm down, look at the question from different angles, analyze it and structure it:
1) First of all, one should operate with facts;
2) Eliminate emotions where you are expected to have an expert opinion;
3) It is necessary to express your assessments and judgments, impartially stipulating what is what.
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