What is inner and mental maturity and why do we so rarely see manifestations of adult, courageous actions in real life? First of all, such maturity is manifested in the emotional and volitional sphere, the desire to bear and take responsibility not only for one's own life, but also for the life of your family and friends, friends, acquaintances and colleagues. This is the presence of formed life principles and values which means Core.
Let's highlight mature personality basic principles:
1. He never shifts responsibility for own life to other people and external circumstances. He takes all responsibility upon himself in order to draw the right conclusions and adjust his model and his path to achieve goals.
2. He is always guided only by own opinion in assessing what is happening, in understanding what needs to be done to achieve goals. At the same time, he is always open to constructive ideas and opinions of smart and skilled people. He tries to avoid toxic, inadequate personalities, who in fact have only one goal - this is destruction of everything around, devaluation of values, challenging goals, world around criticism.
3. He is always open to feedback from the world, is guided by a flexible approach. He actively listens to the world and competent people, because he understands that his vision is not the only correct one. He constantly analyzes and scans the world in order to analyze the results of actions and future possibilities.
4. He is not prone to mood swings, has the strength and will to continue on his way, even in a negative context. He never gives up and is generally optimistic about the future.
5. He has a high motivation aimed at achieving goals and constantly creating the world, creating new things and products, forming new ideas and discoveries, gaining new experiences and learning about the world.
6. He accepts the world as it is, without suffering of its injustice, the dominance of worthless people in politics, degradation of moral principles of society, the loss of individuality and freedom. The only question he asks himself is, what exactly can I do about it? And he directs all his strength and energy for the benefit of himself and his environment.
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